Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I've been two full days without vomiting once. Actually, that's not entierly true. I was brushing my teeth lightly and as always, they began to bleed. Trying to figure out the source, I touched it to my teeth, none of which were bleediing.
So I gently dabbed the back of my throat, but inhaled... I don't know why. The paper towel got stuck in my throat, which I washed down with water. I threw up the paper towel and some of the cream soda because digesting it would be terribly painful. I've also been sticking stirictly to my diet.
1000 calories a day, exercising five times per week. I'm already at my lowest weight since last year at this time. I'm really excited for the progress that I'm going to make and continue to make. I don't want to be bulimic anymore. I don't want to starve.
I'm writing a memoir. Mainly for myself. Maybe I'll post it one day, if I ever finish it. The battle is not over yet, and until it is, the book will never have an ending.
Also, not drinking or smoking because it causes overeating.
Surprisingly, I haven't been doing any cocaine. It's not nearly as addictive as your teachers pretend it is.

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