Thursday, August 30, 2012

My First AA meeting

I went to the meeting at about seven last night. Immediately following, some of the people also working on the first step in the group invited me out to dinner with them, which I went to. I went to my best friend's  house immediately afterward to tell her that I finally went to a meeting. That's why I'm not making a post until this morning.
At the meeting,everyone met in one big group and gave out 30 day chips and shared events of the community. There was a guy from my school there. He made the program sound like a punishment saying 'What did you do to get here?'. Many drugs, of course. That's not why I was there though. Nobody was forcing me. I just wanted to get myself help.
After the mass meeting, the members broke off into smaller groups based on what step they were on. I obviousy went to the step one room. When I was in there, people spoke about how difficult this step was. I told my boyfriend that I was going to the meeting. When he asked why I said 'To get inspired to be sober. I don't need the help or anything.' When I started speaking at the group, during my check-in I realized how I could never get past the first step without admitting that I am an addict. That's going to be hard to tell everyone. But at the same time, Im excited to get past this step. When I do, I aspire to feel refreshed and clean.
After the meeting some people and I went to dinner. We had salads and pita at a crowded resturant. One of the men from the group just kept speaking so loudly and saying things like 'So, you like cocaine? Oh, yeah, coke is real fun.' He practically shouted "HAVE YOU EVER TRIED HEROIN BEFORE?' All of the people that I went to dinner with were very open about their drug habits, a little too open for my taste. I'm not used to the idea that drugs aren't just leisurely things for me. I'm really glad that I'm searching for sobriety when I'm as young as I am. I can't end up like the people in there who are fifty and just never grew up. I feel weird without my daily fix of adderall. Or at least a drink or two to cut the edge off.

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